Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i'm having an affair with my christmas moccasins.

My mom bought me some moccasins for christmas and since I got them home I haven't seemed to be able to take them off. I loovvveee them! They are ankle booties with tassels and braids and stitching and embellishments and they make me feel wonderful! Everyone kinda looks at me like I'm crazy... but I'm ok with that because me and my moccasins are happy together and will be until it snows too much to wear them :)

{image by Amalia via design is mine}

Sunday, December 26, 2010

one loooonnnng table.

its possible people.

anything you can do i can do better.

when I was maybe 9 years old my family and I were up north at my grandparents cottage on Drummond Island. My dad and grandpa had taken me out into the woods in his old baby blue jeep with no top and barely any seats to a big open area somewhere on our property. They had stapled a paper plate with a drawn on bulls eye to a big stump at one end of the open field. They spent awhile taking turns shooting at it to see who could get the closest when my dad looked at me and said "wanna try?" Of course I did, I was a self proclaimed tom boy and I wasn't afraid of anything back then. After two shots, boom. I got a bulls eye. I was ecstatic and when I got home we had barely set foot in the front door before I started waving it around and telling everyone how I had beat the boys! My grandma looked at me and started singing the song from "Annie Get Your Gun" anything you can do I can do better.... from that day on every time I see a girl with a gun I think of her and her subtle way of telling me being a girl wasn't so bad.

wish i were here #18

windows, wood, and comfy chairs.

yes please.

i have a thing for claw foot tubs and mirrors.

room service.

is it wrong that I wish I could spend Christmas morning in a hotel? Ordering breakfast in bed and opening presents next to the love of my life?

no family in sight, no dirty dishes in the sink, just us two. alone and relaxed.

i love.

Charlie Winston "I Love Your Smile" (Official video)
Uploaded by ATMOSPHERIQUES. - See the latest featured music videos.

whiskey love

“lust tastes like tequila and love tastes like whiskey. love burns longer and warms you up, tequila just makes you wasted.”

- jackson rathbone

merry christmas.

I know its a day late but its been busy busy around here!

I hope you all had a wonderful day. I'm looking forward to a whole week off, my sauce being in town, and a relaxing new years :)

ps. how funny is the packaging on this Christmas lager!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

tuesday bluesday.

ok so there is nothing blue about this picture, but you know what? Its Wednesday! So since I already screwed it up I figured I would just put a pretty picture up instead... and since its my blog i can do that. so there.

(and ps...maybe this girl was in a blue mood when she took the photo although i don't know how she could be since that jacket scarf combination seems so perfect for the seemingly cold weather that she's in... its crazy how much you can take away from a photo that only shows a quarter of something)

well anyways happy tuesday.. i mean wednesday... i mean bluesday?

boots and socks yo.

that's all.

do work.

i think i need to tattoo this onto my hands so that every time I look down at my keyboard i realize how much time i'm wasting searching willy nilly around the internet.

she's got it.

the perfect combination of comfort and chic. ugh that makes me jealous!


there's something about bunnies that make me laugh just at the sight of them.

max wanger you are my hero.

i'm loving this wedding photographed by the amazing max wanger. I think it's awesome that so many of them are blurry and off center because that's exactly how i think you would feel on your wedding day. Like everything went by so fast, these would make the perfect memory for me.

max if your listening i can't afford you but if i ever get married i would gladly be your charity case :)

white christmas

im dreaming of one like this.

thought of the day

"Walker arts," a photograph from Portland's own Sarah Fuller. via design is mine
"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave." -- Martin Luther

decide and ask

I went to go see that movie How Do You Know with a couple girlfriends last night and although it was uber cheesy all in all I kinda liked it. There was one point in the movie that really struck a cord for me though, someone says 'Decide what it is that you want, and figure out how to ask for it' and Reese Witherspoon replies: 'Both those things are really hard.' I literally laughed out loud, because that was exactly what I had just said to myself! It is really hard. And right now I feel like I'm at a crossroads in more than one scenario in my life and that sentence right there is the one thing I can't figure out. I feel really lost, I feel like I'm leaving a lot of things unfinished, like I'm only giving half of myself in many situations, and that I'm fighting to find myself in this huge mess, and every time I think I'm getting close someone comes over with a big dump truck of more mess and throws it on top of me. Something has to change here but at the moment I'm not sure what or how...


I'm a little bit obsessed with textured tights right now. I had a pair that looked just like these but for some reason I am such a slob when it comes to wearing dainty things and they now have a ton of holes in them :(

I should go to forever today and buy some of these.


oh my.

i only want kids that will dress like this.

Monday, December 20, 2010

read more.

I just started a pintrest account and I am absolutely infatuated with it! (except for the fact that the server seems to be 'busy' a lot but I'm hoping its just a fluke for today) so just in case you don't get enough of me here go check it out :)

(look at me acting like i have a lot of readers... ha ha ha)

delicious ambiguity

Friday, December 17, 2010

wish i were HER.

ok so you know my series wish i were here? well i was thinking about adding a little sub category of wish i were her... what do you think? too close? I was also thinking of calling it Ladies with style... but I don't know if that gets the point across - the point being I want to be them.

faster than a herd of turtles.

umm ok when skipper used to tell me that line I never knew there was such a thing as a herd of turtles! wow how amazing would that be to witness.

brown leather chairs

I'm liking the idea of two.


one cannot have too many notebooks...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

boat ride.

next time I am in New York this is a MUST. I am in love with this book and a boat tour based on it may just be the cats pajama's :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

change your mind.

“whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. if you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. if you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. if you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind.””

- unknown

Friday, December 10, 2010

carry on

probably the best and worst idea of all time.



is it wrong that i want all of these item for myself? Its ok to be a little bit manly every once in awhile right?


all i want to do is watch this show right now and for some reason my flash player keeps crashing... curse you technology!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

winter wonderland.

Last year a friend of mine and I decided to have a positive winter. Which meant that there was no complaining allowed, in fact every time you felt a negative thought coming on you had to switch it and start your sentence with "I Love" (Since I had been living in Atlanta the winter before it wasn't that hard for me to be excited by the snow... but come March it proved to be difficult to be happy about the mushy slush left on the road). I've decided to try it again this year, it really improved my winter blues and I can honestly say that I love winter and am really excited for it! I can't wait to go skiing, build a snow man, go ice skating, and to see the lights down Edward Hines drive while sledding. knd will probably kill me for saying this he thinks i rush through the seasons wishing them away waiting for the next one - it will come - he says, but I like the giddy feeling I get when the seasons change, and if you know me you know that I don't stop talking about how I feel :)

lets explore: catching up

There are so many wonderful things going on in the blog world right now and after being away for a week its been hard to catch up on all of it! Here are some things that I have spotted worth noting:

Cup of Joe Gift Guides - so many great ideas! (although everything I see on there would be perfect for my sister and we promised not to exchange gifts this year...)

Cactus and Quail - a new endeavor by Jamie over at desert fete. She also revealed a cute little story on Monday, how great would it be to be due on the same day as your best friend!


I love Martha more than words I think (here also)... how awesome this must have been. Also stop by Jamie's (yes yet another blogger that I follow that shares my name... i must be drawn to them for some reason) for her Holiday Giveaways!

I'm very excited for this movie.

stitched cards - oh how creative!

unconventional diamonds from kate miss who is moving soon! I'm so excited to hear about her new adventures on the west coast! (oh and what a great skirt)

This makes me really wish I had a Christmas tree... I have absolutely no decorations this year and at first while I thought it wasn't worth the hassle, it's beginning to make me a little sad :( oh well maybe next year I'll be in a new place with enough room to follow Angela's lead.

adorable ornaments! via unruly things.

still in love with Kate Szabone's rings so cute for the holidays!

im loving pyrite nuggets. these would match my earrings I have thanks to my lovely sauce :)

get a message from Santa! I don't think you are ever too old for this.

beautiful travel bag.

Cutest holiday card ever. I am in love with Dr. Seuss. Did anybody catch Glee this week? I loved that too and I'm not ashamed to say it!

Christmas is all around us!

after all that I STILL have 301 unread items on my blog reader... sigh oh dear I'm glad this is a slow work week ;)


I totally need this lover. He's and English Wolfhound and the idea of having a dog that is the size of a small horse seems lovely. Plus he's gray and I love all things gray.


for some reason winter always makes me feel like wearing sparkly things. I need some glitz and glamor in my life stat.

goodbye fall.

It was nice hanging out this year. I'll miss you.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


work is just not doing it for me today...

{image via cup of joe}

Upper Metal Class

Stunning, simple jewelry and an adorable name to boot!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

yet another...

tattoo that i could stand having for the rest of my life. although i think it might be kind of silly for me to get a tattoo of something I am so afraid of. (ahem the ocean is full of dangerous things and it is perfectly normal to have fears!)
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