Monday, August 30, 2010


no way.

color coded bookshelves... im in awe.

{from me to you}

i love this.

its the perfect color, shape and style AND its handmade... which makes it more perfect.

{made by the couple... artemis and their store rust}

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


this was my favorite part.

my stomach hurts.


i wish i were a reader.

i try sometimes... but i just end up giving up or falling asleep. I always start out with good intentions but before i know it reading turns into this: looking into the light above me then back back down at the book, then over at the wall, back to the book, one word down, what does that word mean, back at the wall, is that a spider, no just a speck, did i already read that part, what page am i on, hmm this smells good, oh look i creased the corner i must have read this page before, i should really clean this room, where was I, shit.

maybe its not meant to be...

i wish you would ring.


inner color palette.


wish i were here #11

yes please

high waisted black pants, blousy top, and an awesome leather jacket...


tuesday bluesday

Friday, August 20, 2010

how cool is this?

How to make your OWN letters here.

speaking of cake...

rosefrills and 5,020


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

donde esta le Pp?

en los pantalones!!!

oh i need this... and maybe everything else in this store.

yes please

i wish i were going back to school...
i am loving that canvas backpacks are back in style.. i think I may have had an Arizona brand one back in the day? I wonder if thats still around somewhere? Could save me a pretty penny...


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

somethin's happening here...

Okay. I think its time i give you a little update on my life since things are a changing and oh so quickly!

1. knd and i decided to move in together. yes. big step. I know. BUT for some reason I am very calm about it, no scary feelings... maybe a few butterflies but he always gives me those... and I kinda just want it to happen already! I keep looking around my apartment with this UGH sort of feeling knowing that shortly everything will have to be moved, but I'm not worried which is a very rare feeling for me. I do however think that the picture above is a perfect description of what we will look like night after night in front of the tv... me trying desperately to cuddle and him (the non touchy feely one) while he pulls away... haha oh knd you are in for a treat :)

2. I got a LETTERPRESS. yes its true! can you believe it? I still can't, I keep pinching myself as if to wake up from this dream of a week only to realize - its real, and its finally all happening. I may even have my first client already*! Can you believe it? A real life card shop right here in my kitchen. Gosh i can not wait to get started.

3. i guess thats it. but it seemed like so much more!

*pending she become as excited as i am about this.

{image via photoproblem}

lets explore

{image mr.harris tweed}

I am craving this feeling.

i think the office is my weakness in a home. Here's another beauty...

kate inspires

I'll take A-Z please... oh and the decorating idea? priceless.

yet another perfect edition for my office... it makes me want to make clothes or something so it seems more that wrong?

if i ever get a tattoo this is what it would be. but smaller and on my butt or something...

my seester is da bomb diggity

Not only did she READ my blog but she took note of something i may have mentioned I had my eyes after and poof it showed up on my doorstep (well, desk at work) in a cute little package for my birthday!

she knows me too well.. not only do i say I don't like celebrations (lie) but I always say i don't like presents (even bigger lie) OR surprises (biggest lie of them all)...

SO seester, thank you for not listening to anything I say and for being my number one fan ;)

wish i were here #10

{Photo credit: © Lotta Agaton}

hey fall lets hang out soon

{via TKoW}

tuesday bluesday

YES on time! ... (does a little victory dance)

{Petits Bonheures}

Monday, August 16, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

sometimes you have to lose your balance in love to find your balance in life.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

yes please.


note to self: get label maker

{top image etc. by sibella court}
{bottom image back to school}

tuesday bluesday

oh shit i missed tuesday again.


i think we can all agree.

{via TKoW}

wish i were here #8

no one could get to me here.

{thatkindofwoman which i am ps in love with}

lonny online magazine

So much wonderfulness plus a hole feature on my favorite designer ever - Rachel Ashwell (I'm not embarrassed to say that I have pictures from her book framed in my house... and that my entire style is based on said book) and since I usually let the pictures to the talking...

{images via lonny}

Friday, August 6, 2010

Doughnut Muffins

ooooh gosh i wish i were a pastry chef today.

How good do those look?! And they actually seem surprisingly easy enough!

Check out the recipe here

Thursday, August 5, 2010

lets explore : jewelry

{for me, for you}

anything with the words wood and acorn in the description has my vote.

ugh i totally need a new pair of everyday studs and the texture/shape of these just seems perfect!

yes, yes, and yes.

she's updating her shop on Monday people! (i would like this one please)

and whats a jewelry post without the perfect ring... i've had my eye on one like this for quite some time now.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

birthday inspiration

Flicker: squeakypeach4, kate, THUSSFARRELL, Abby Powell, Flickr: danske,

my birthday is this month and normally i don't really care for celebrating it... but something about August just feels different this year...while looking around i have stumbled upon some delightful photos of things that i wouldn't mind having around me that day... a few balloons and a maybe a cake or two? i mean isn't it a girls job to change her mind?

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