Monday, March 8, 2010

i think i better run, run, run.

I'm running 15.1 miles on may 8th.

there. its in writing. it is officially official.

training began last week. I'm struggling, but i need this, its giving me something to look forward to, and I've actually begun to CRAVE running. I get crabby towards the end of the day bc all i want to do is get out of those four walls and onto the road. (or treadmill in my case lately) So to solve that problem Im going to try (key word here folks) to get myself up in the morning.

last week i started out strong and ended up lazy.
My goal this week is to do every workout.

i finally started using my chalkboard this week. I love it. although i wish it had a black painted wood frame to go around it. It would look so much more anthropology esqe.

oh i forgot to mention KND and i have a bet going: Who can loose the most weight in a month. We are basing it on body fat percentage so that its fair, but so far ive gained a pound. I'm hoping to turn up the heat this week, bc not only do i absolutely hate losing but if i win i get to go to CHICAGO for a weekend of lurve as i like to call it :)

wish me luck


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