Sunday, January 24, 2010

the big C.

Its been a rough weekend.

yesterday kyle's mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.

you know even typing that right now it doesn't seem real. i guess it all hasn't really set in for me yet. you always think that someday it could happen to you and you say over and over how lucky you are to have what you do, but when it does finally hit you or a loved one... it just seems so surreal.

You want to say everything's going to be alright, and that we will get through this. but deep down you worry that you could be making an empty promise.

we're entering unknown territory. we have no idea whats to come and how many obstacles she will have to face. and if we are strong enough to help her.

life is full of changes. some good some bad. everything happens for a reason. and as kyle said yesterday god won't give you something you can't handle. so this must be our fate, to live through this and endure something new together.

I just hope i can be there for them the way they need me to.

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