Wednesday, September 28, 2011

to switch lives for a day...


Jon Contino


i should have been a zookeeper.


perfect kitchen.

its true.

oh my.

look at that mustache! haha

hey world.

its on.


Dress To Kill Your Cocktail from Adam Beck on Vimeo.

street art.


I want to be a unicorn with a big long train...


“The only people who ever get anyplace interesting are the people who get lost.”

Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


“Don’t let others set your mood. Be upset because you want to, be mad or sad or down right enraged for yourself. Don’t let others play that much of a role in your life. Be selfish with your emotions, they are yours and yours alone.”

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

yes please, again.

gosh i love windows.

it may well be an unhealthy obsession.

yes please.

Packing for nowhere.

Welp, its official. I will be a wandering soldier for the next few months. I'm trying to be optimistic that we will find a house fast and it will be better than anything we could have imagined, but there is this overwhelming feeling to settle when you feel rushed about things. I am trying desperately to stay as picky as ever as this house still has to be what we want - its not just a place to live.

keep your fingers crossed.
"pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together."

elizabeth taylor

wish i were here.

I heart you.

knitted hats, scarves, layers, boots, leaves, sunshine and a cool breeze.

im smitten with you fall.


“loneliness is not lack of company, loneliness is lack of purpose.”

- guillermo maldonado

Friday, September 9, 2011


just went from our move in date being two weeks away, to no more house, to being kicked out of my apartment in less than 3 weeks. what a bummer of a day.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

let the waters rise.

red lipstick


tennis and a smoke c.1932

hooks and shelves.

and that lamp!!

note to self.


i'll have a store, with blue doors, and wood floors, and and wire gated lock.


I have a wedding in two weeks and have nothing to wear (eek!) these colors are perfect for fall. where are you perfect dress.

asos get ready, cuz here i come.

fall necessities

chairs and clocks and books and white.

hubba hubba.

are you tired of it yet?

all the wonderful pictures of reclaimed wood? because I'm not. So bring em on!


archways, floors, molding.


this outfit.

would be perfect for today!

I totally need a khaki colored umbrella, and those darn Hunter boots are haunting me "buy me buy me!" they say.

hunter boots.

i need a pair. STAT.

especially with all this rainy weather!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

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