Tuesday, May 31, 2011

tuesday bluesday.

except its not blue. because I have a three day week! awwww yeah

fabulous closet

I have a feeling this was a crawl space, a little imagination goes a long way people.

we are still searching for you.

white house
big tree
big big windows.

come out, come out, wherever you are!

native american - bluesday

my friend told me i look like a Native American today. maybe its the feather and half braid in my hair? maybe its the sweet 80's patterned shirt I'm wearing? Maybe he didn't mean it as a compliment - but I'll take it friend. I'll take it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

rainy day.

I love all these crazy/beautiful photos.

more. brown/white/black.

goal #1

box sets.

light and dark.


future shop.

simple. european. white/brown/black.


you drive me mad.

"in the madness, there is love," a silkscreened poster from Fifi du Vie. ($25)

Friday, May 20, 2011

i want to see this.

i want to be her.

bangs. stripes. heart shaped glasses. an inner tube and a pool. yes i think she's figured out summer quite nicely.

wish i were here.

sunday best.

ironic coffee.

blazers and hats.

“it’s a feeling you have that you know something about yourself that nobody else does. the picture you have in your mind of what you are about will come true. it’s kind of a thing you kind of have to keep to your own self because it’s a fragile feeling, and you put it out there and somebody will kill it and so it’s best to keep that all inside.”

- bob dylan

too busy. too long.

gosh i hate that sometimes life gets in my way of doing the things i love - like blogging. I haven't even READ anyone's blog in the past two weeks. Let along had time to post on my own. But I'm trying. hard. to be back on this thing more regularly. so here ya go.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

tuesday exta-blue bluesday.

today was a rough day.


one good thing I know I can always rely on? Nana.

"I know it will be ok. Because I prayed that it will be. And all my prayers have been answered so far."
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