Tuesday, April 26, 2011


i think i might need one in every color. I'm loving that this one doesn't have a collar and is almost as long as the dress.

anchors away.

leather bands have a hold on me.

those chairs.

and a see through wall.

tuesday bluesday

remember - paint more.

Monday, April 25, 2011

rebel, rebel.

good things.

“but i believe good things happen everyday. i believe good things happen even when bad things happen. and i believe on a happy day like today, we can still feel a little sad. and that’s life, isn’t it?”

- gabrielle zevin, elsewhere

Thursday, April 21, 2011

is that a disco ball?

"no its a mother of pearl ball. and its fabulous."

I'll take one of everything, thanks.

yes please.

take more pictures.

you said no to a tufted headboard

but what about this love?

so dreamy.

If i owned a movie theater I do believe this is how I would do things.

to bang or not to bang?

there is something about those side swept pieces that are calling my name lately. But then I see the long part down the middle and I feel completely torn...

decisions, decisions.


i think ever since I saw the movie andre (you know the one about the seal in maine?) I've wanted [farm] doors that detach in the middle. I love the idea of opening up the top to let the breeze in, and to yell to the boys playing outside that dinner is ready. I also see my imaginary dog jumping up to peak his head in when he's tired of being outside.

p.s. it also reminds me of the episode of friends where joey cuts chandlers door in half...

garden dinner.

hey friends lets do this.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

looking forward to this.

two iced coffee's and some sunshine {via summer goals}

Monday, April 18, 2011

square one.

back to it. what a bummer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

black swan.

gimme some of that swirl

oooh how i love ice cream and lucky me, its season is upon us.


sorry knd but I'm a romantic and I'm totally hanging this in our bedroom whether you feel this way or not!




this makes me feel like Europe. which is such a weird thing to say. but whatever its how I feel.

im gonna need those cups.

hey there.

kitchen inspiration

dark floor, white cabinets, and those handles. yum. oh and those subway tiles you all know i love.


yes please.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

first birthday.

ok so I know she was just born 3 weeks ago and all but my best friends baby Beni needs this cake for her first birthday!

maybe a scaled down version but still. perfection.

fingers crossed.

oh cheese.

You and I have a love hate relationship. I love the way you taste, and you hate my stomach.

Why can't we just get along?


Monday, April 11, 2011


little couch.

Last night I joked with knd that all we needed in our new house was a little love seat for the two of us. We had went and looked at a tiny little house in our neighborhood that has all the right character we love, but is severely lacking in the space department.

Me: We could just cuddle up together every night all intertwined watching TV!
knd: {not so pleased face}

needless to say this couch would be perfect. ;)


Ok so I am in no way knocking Todd Hunter as I think these paintings are beautiful. BUT I've been looking for a fun (inexpensive) way to create some one of a kind art and Todd, I apologize but, I could do this.

Now a friend of mine and I joke all the time that all of the people in the world who look at art and say "I could do that" DON'T and that's what makes all the people that DO actual artists, because I mean they did it (not to mention they most likely didn't see someone else do it first and then just copy it for their cheap-o knock off version of wall art) - its all in the idea.

That being said - I think I'd be ok with the DIY version of this on my wall, done by yours truly. I mean c'mon I'm artsy this could be fun.

{paintings by Todd Hunter, via lovely morning}

Friday, April 8, 2011


those mirrors are perfect. and that floor? oh my heavenly days.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

wish i were here.


One Dress/Two Ways


I've been thinking about it and I'm pretty sure my new sole requirement for a house is openness. I just want to be able to breathe. Currently my apartment feels like its closing in on me. There is no light in there at all, and everywhere I turn there is stuff.

yes. openness sounds nice. mixed in with some minimalism.

hey bed.

i wanna sleep with you.

vrooom vrooom baby.

spring cleaning.

i think my closet deserves a little boost - I'm hoping in this direction...
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