Friday, January 21, 2011

this swedish home is to die for.

{desire to inspire via cup of joe}


how great is this vintage european ring? The shape is so great, and I love the simple detailing on the sides.

{erstwhile jewelry}

Thursday, January 13, 2011

sorbet pinks + cement grey.

This girl reads my mind. I want my life to be these colors.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

this is why I love this.

I want to be the person who made this.

oh my.

this may be what heaven looks like:
open windows
comfy bed
a retro black bike
and a french press?

me oh my.

sparkley goodness.

tuesday bluesday

textures make me happy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

next fall

i'm finding a good spot in the woods and I am having a picnic just like this. except maybe with more people... solo picnics don't seem like that much fun.


next time i buy someone flowers, I'm wrapping them like this. They seem so much more nostalgic tied with a string don't you think?

luca does this.

as soon as he hears the water in the shower he comes running. He always tries to sneakily drink the water too (unsuccessfully, but its adorable).

kitchen ladder.

ok. its a ladder. in a kitchen. words cannot describe how brilliant this idea is. Not to mention having high enough ceilings for this to be necessary? oh my.

there's something about white

that makes me swoon. Maybe its that it looks so nice next to wood? Or maybe its that my house is so cluttered right now that white seems simple and clean and open? Either way I want my next house to be filled with white...



how great is that?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

yes please: all of it.

i can't seem to stop wanting all new clothes. its an addiction, once you get a taste you only want more!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Kendi, you read my mind.

"To this year and every year hereafter, I not only pledge to be fearless I pledge to fear less. I will not be afraid of my inabilities nor afraid of my abilities. I will not be afraid of failure or of success. I will not be afraid to be perfectly flawed or completely imperfect. I will not be afraid of life, no matter how big and scary or small and dull it may be. I will be fearless.

Here's to 2011 and all you may bring.

Bring it on."

{Read the rest of her resolution here: Kendi Everyday}


Avocado With Lemon/Olive Oil/Cilantro Dressing


i need one of these

i love the idea of change purses... and this simple leather with a gold zipper is just perfect!

tuesday bluesday

WHISTLER, James Abbott McNeill

Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket


Detroit Institute of Arts

{fuck yeah art history}

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011


so if this were camping. i could definitely deal with camping.


keep calm.

the winds at your back, pushing you forward.
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