Friday, November 26, 2010


Tomorrow we leave for Mexico! I can not wait to be on the beach and in the sun! It's been in the low 30s here lately and I have been FREEEZING! I am totally ready for warm weather and when I get back I think I will finally be ready for winter :)

talk to you all next week!

{image via flikr}

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

happy thanksgiving.

I'm thankful for short work weeks. 2 days till vacation. My beautiful family and friends. and the one man in this world crazy enough to be mine, knd.


work right.

work has been busy and frustrating lately and its making it really hard to motivate myself to do more work once i get home. I found this quote from an article called "quit your day job" although sometimes I really wish i could this makes me feel like ultimately if I keep doing things the way I am maybe someday it will all be right.

“Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about right results.” — James Allen

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

millions of posts.

sorry to bombard you will a million things today but I have been so busy with work that I have been slacking off and have so many great things I want to share! this that would look wonderful in my studio some day. I love color almost as much as i love type....

i think this may be my new mantra.

yes please.

brown paper packages..

tied up with string!

...getting new ideas for gifts this year... ooooooh Christmas is just around the corner!

elbow pads.

i never thought they would be this cool again...

mens watch.

I have been looking for the perfect mens watch that mixes just enough masculine with just enough feminine... here it is folks. Aren't the numbers fabulous? And that tint of blue on the hands? Now if it were only on my wrist.

too bad its not cheap...


couch. floor. tub.

tuesday bluesday

new house requirement.

a place for boots and a place for Bopps.

i want shoes like these.

they have really cute gray ones at Nordstrom right now that i wouldn't mind getting my hands on...


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


i don't really care for them but I would put this on my body un-permanently...

and this one's for you.


Friday, November 12, 2010

tuesday bluesday (yes I know it's friday) and 15 days!!

I just couldn't seem to find a good enough bluesday photo for this week until I stumbled upon these posters on A Cup Of Joe. Such a funny concept by Minga!

I also thought these little posters reminded me of MEXICO which by the way is only 15 days away.... normally i am afraid of the ocean -I will go in to about waist level and only if the water is clear- but this trip I am determined to face my fear and go snorkeling... i just hope I don't run into any sharks like this guy did....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

short skirt and a long jacket.



i may need this as well.

I'm on a necklace frenzy today. I think the fact that it is called the "color study locket" makes it even more wonderful!

{found via lovelymorning}

miss mouse

i am in love with all things deer. So naturally when I saw this on alyson's blog I almost fell over with excitement! (ps she always seems to find the BEST jewelry)

add this to wish list - (check)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

i think an office would be wonderful.

1. Merry Mishap
2. Unruly things
3. High Fashion Home
"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." -- Robert Frost

Monday, November 8, 2010

nikki montoya jewlery.

My sister sent me this link today... I'm totally hooked. I want all three of these.... stat.

{nikki montoya}

the night of the blue blazer:

proof that the blazer has no boundaries...

{by Tommy Hilfiger found via unabashedly prep}

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Wings: Making the Field Notes 2010 Fall Edition from Coudal Partners on Vimeo.

how amazing it this? I love that Field Notes is entirely made in the US down to the paper and the machinery its made on... wow. Someday my press will do great things like this :)

{via WANKEN}

bring em back.

I'm thinking about giving dream catchers a comeback. I have been having the most awful dreams lately and although it may be tricky I may challenge myself to making one of these soon... not only would it be pretty hanging above my bed, but I'm sick of dying in my dreams....

'roid week 2010

i love this Polaroid.

city prints

Oh my do I love these. Its amazing how by using simple shapes and a muted color palate she can bring out so much character.

available in her etsy shop.
found via cup of joe.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

where is this from?

i have no idea... but i would really love to find out!

this gets me thinking.

I have been having a mini mid-life crisis over the past few days... I'm thinking this should be my new mantra to get me through it.

{from Katie via Summer}

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


i love how great these clothes look against that textured gray background... that big shoulder black number is my favorite.

ring ring

omg i love these rings! I have no idea where to find them but if I ever did I would buy a million of them to stack all over my knobby fingers.

tuesday bluesday.

Monday, November 1, 2010

for cole.

“Home is not where you live, but where they understand you.”
----Christian MORGENSTERN

{via the steward}


art projects seem to be on my mind lately. I just wish that I could get motivated on the weekends to actually do something about it! this HAS to change in the near future otherwise I will never make my deadline!!

girl crush #2

happy halloween.

so it seems to be pretty standard that I am a few days behind on almost EVERYTHING. So although its a little late, I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! I for one had an amazing weekend. My Wonder Woman costume was a huge hit, I actually convinced knd to dress up, I carved pumpkins with his madre AND we WON 3RD PLACE in the costume contest (yes 3rd is not first... and yes it was at the eagles which if you were familiar with you may loose some respect for our win but STILL, i never win anything and I was so proud of my homemade costume makin' mad skillz)

I also managed to have a love affair with my white pumpkin (seriously i love it) and this was the result.... it reminds me of "i carry your heart, i carry it in my heart..." ooooohhh this one is gonna be hard to top!
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