Thursday, September 30, 2010

how cute is this?

Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.

would you eat the marshmallow? i think i would be the girl who had the thing finished before the lady even left the room haha

{via A cup of joe}

for you

flowers wrapped in newspaper.


this morning i was tearing my house apart trying (with no avail) to find one of my bracelets that i LOVE and would have look amazing with my outfit today... any one of these would have been a great substitute.... sigh.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Take 69 seconds to #fightbreastcancer at


Monday, September 27, 2010

wish i were here #16


i need a million more layers...


im hungry for this right now... mmmm

my bland oatmeal just isn't cutting it today :(

i want these

to bad they are $260... J.crew when did you get so fancy priced?

Friday, September 24, 2010

baby bump

My best friend just announced that she is pregnant and I imagine this is what she will look like in a few months - adorable from head to toe. She is probably one of the most fashionable people I know and somehow even managed to look awesome in her sweats the other day ...

I can not wait to be an Auntie to this little pea.

Congratulations love.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

lets explore

I want everything from this store.

these look so yummy...

i just can't get enough of braids this season, more, and even more.

luscious lips


the most wonderful giveaway that i would really really really love to win!!

{image via TKoW}

wish i were here #15

for some reason Michigan doesn't really feel like starting fall... it was 90 yesterday and is supposed to be 85 today!

not pleased - where are my falling leaves and the brisk breeze?


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Boat ride

I miss you already cole come home soon :(

Friday, September 17, 2010


sounds nice right now.

i've actually never gone camping before (unless you count pitching a tent in my back yard, running an extension cord from the house to my boom box, and throwing a bunch of blankets and sleeping bags along with 3 friends inside the thing only to all end up back in the house by midnight bc of some lame excuse like bugs or the dark or the wind) but lately i have this feeling that i would really enjoy it. Feeling the cold air in morning, being close to the water, eating hot dogs and burgers and taking long walks.

maybe i need an up north trip this fall.


i'm loving the styling of their lookbooks... not to mention the clothes are great as well.


ice cream social!

ain't no party like a party from Shark Pig on Vimeo.

this looks like too much fun!

{rue mag}

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


ceramics, wooden objects, textiles, accessories AND furniture!?


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


i would wear them every day if i could...


wishing nana had one of these in her dressing room too...


heads i win...

tails you lose.

wish i were here #14

on that lake, with that weather, in that outfit, maybe not with that guy though...

tuesday bluesday

{from me to you}


listening to french music and eating pasta right out of the pot... tonight is a good night.

lets be productive :)

{image via}

i love this!

reusable FREE boxes from ebay!

more info here: Lovely Package

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nana and Skipper.

Yesterday I visited my grandparents, Nana and Skipper. He was watching football and she was cleaning out her dressing room.

Now Nana was a house wife, but that didn't stop her from dressing like Jackie O with six kids following suit. Always in hats and matching dresses, suits and ties. Needless to say her dressing room is a gold mine.

Lucky for me... I came on the right day.

belts, purses, bags... OH MY! i'll share pictures soon :)

wish i were here #13


i don't normally like the taste or texture of fungi but doesn't Sprouted Kitchen make them look lovely!?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

all i need

braid heaven

i want my hair to be long enough for this...

{photos via beautiful/wild}

disco deer.

Mm Mm
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