Saturday, July 31, 2010


so i'm completely broke and in an effort to help fix that my wonderful knd set me up with some dogsitting gigs for the weekend. Yes, I said gigS... 3 to be exact (although one includes his dog which i don't believe he plans on giving me anything besides love for that one) soo anyways its just me and FIVE dogs this weekend. I thought it would be relaxing but driving from house to house trying to spend as much time with all 5 of them has proven to be fairly challenging... i feel so guilty about leaving one for too long or not feeding them at exactly the right time because i spent an extra hour at the mall... as we speak bailey (knd's baby) is sitting by the door gazing longingly out the window for his pops who will not be home till morning :(

basically i think i've decided i am not mature enough for a puppy just yet. although i would LOVE LOVE LOVE the loving they would give me... i would not be happy with the guilt and those sad little puppy eyes that i would have to see every time i left the house...

but that baby sure is cute isn't he?


lets explore together...

Thinking about how great it would be to have an organized office...

this makes cooking look soooo relaxing... who knew cooking duck could be so easy?

to go with my new infatuation with cooking.

mahna oh mahna i'm loving all of this...

beautiful stop motion


mmm... i feel like baking today.

cupcakes always make me swoon, so last night when i stumbled upon TLC late night tv I was pleasantly surprised to find a show about them! DC Cupcakes unfortunately turned out to be probably the worst show I've ever seen. BUT i learned something... if those two retards can quit their jobs and open a cupcake shop that not only becomes the best cupcake shop in Georgetown but somehow landed them a tv show, WHY CAN'T I?

i'm tired of being lazy. lets get crackin'

Friday, July 30, 2010

yet another beautiful cake.

{max and margaux}

oh Audrey...

the things i love about you are endless.

i would like a baby deer for my birthday to shop with me, take naps beside me and follow me around all day... just like Pippen did with Audrey.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

last night i killed my tv.

and i canceled my I can check that one off the list.

{i love this}

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

whale cake i love you.

will someone have a party so that we can make this thing? that blue candle is perfect... check out YOU + ME* for more adorable cake topper ideas :)

yes please.

exceptionally cute food log would make writing down everything i eat all the more entertaining.

tuesday bluesday

{via Ensuite}

infatuated with elephants.

{eugenio recuenco}

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tom Selleck on Etsy?

The sheer fact that this is a serious attempt to sell a $200 bag makes me want to fork up the cash and buy this thing. I love the action shot... and the fact that he is this burly man with a Tom Selleck mustache wearing a flannel makes it all the more wonderful...

well done reiddamnit, well done



{j. crew i heart you}

Friday, July 16, 2010

boat ride

last weekend i went out on the boat with my family... I had a fun time playing around with my camera. hopefull I'm learning new things.

if only real life were this organized

{via design sponge}

adventure club

starts tomorrow....

I am giddy with excitement. I literally can't sit still in my chair today thinking about how much fun we are going to have! Hopefully I will take some interesting photo's to share with you :)

{image via summer goals}

yes please

i love rompers and i'm not afraid to show it...

the pattern on this one is amazing.
oh and I'll take this dress too please...

{via pretty pretty paper}

love this look

I think I may want bangs and dark hair again.... hmmm

{cup of joe}

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

happy ice cream day!

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month...but according to Cold Stone Creamery TODAY is National Ice Cream Day :)

i gotta say i think this is my new favorite day...aside from my birthday of course, because I can eat as much ice cream as I want that day too!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

good advice.

take a deep breath and do whatever you must to survive and find something to be that you can love...'perforation problems' by the way means to me also the holes that will always exist in any story we try to make of our lives. so hang on, my love, and grow big and strong and take your hits and keep going.

-iggy pop

Friday, July 9, 2010

if i had a beach i would be dancing like this..

i love today!

off to detroit, have a great weekend :)


summer time.

wish i were here #6

i think i need more of this in my life. maybe ill go down to the island this weekend. although the hazy fog and adorable hat and dress might be harder to come by than the water.

{summer goals}

knd you need this

really great packaging for men's skin care products.

yes please.

i don't know what I love more about this photo the cute printed pillows? the wonderfully black uneven wooden floor? that chair?

oh my.

{chakra you are great.}

oil = bad news bears.

I'm not usually one to rally the troops for a greater good... but this cute little notebook makes me think... what's $15 bucks if its going to help the SPOONBILLS!

{spoonbill notebook}

{poppytalk fundraiser}

john mayer is unfortunately not my friend...

after stumbling upon his tumblr site, i have to continuously remind myself "you are not john mayer's friend jamie" even if you do read all about his life and somewhat stalk him, and laugh at all of his jokes, he will never know you exist... this is very sad to me because based on my research i think the two of us would get along nicely.

this theory also applies to Zooey Deshanel... whom i have a serious girl crush on.

this girl...

...makes me want to move to Sweden. She's always taking pictures of really great people sitting on rocks or these great scene's with soooo much green and the bluest water.

{forever is today}

yes please

i'll take this outfit in 3 colors please. so ballet like and wonderful.

oh and hair... i'd really appreciate it if you'd grow long enough for me to put you in a bun like this.


wish I were here #5

I'm really into tents right now.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

breathe the week is over.

I have the most perfect day planned for tomorrow and I just can not wait for it to begin!

bootcamp (crazy i know) 6:00 am
nap time (yep there's the sanity kicking back in) 7:15-???
coffee and reading my 115 unread posts on my google reader! (yes I have been too busy to keep up with the ridiculous amount of blogs i follow... and the list keeps getting longer) - im hoping this will take me HOURS! and will inspire a few posts
bike ride (weather and time permitting) with my camera
chicken shwarma and drinks at park bar with some lovelies
tigers game :)
maybe some more drinks
sleepover at Hotel St. Regis in detroit

oooooh soo much fun...

Saturday, July 3, 2010


happy 4th

Looking forward to fireworks, sunshine, pools, boats, and golf.



these people are cool.

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