Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

a hipstamatic birthday

Went across the state this weekend for a friends birthday "bar crawl" now we are semi classy so don't worry we weren't those crazy annoying matching t-shirt wearing, chanting group of idots most often associated with bar crawls... but we did go to 6 different bars in one night... which led a few of us to be ready to crawl into bed at the early hours of the night 10pm to be exact. I was one of the lucky ones who toughed it out till the bar closed, which may or may not have been a wise decision. it ended up being a really great time with a small group of beer lovers, bouncing around seeing old friends.

2nd great part of the night. my new hipstamatic app for my phone. Im in love with it. and since i have yet to buy a real camera its holding me off for a bit longer while I save my money :(

happy birthday nikki.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

photo via

Just signed up for the Race for the Cure.
5k run May 22nd in Detroit.

CLICK HERE to donate :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

fine fine fine.

I'm broke but I'm happy
I'm poor but I'm kind
I'm short but I'm healthy, yeah
I'm high but I'm grounded
I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed
I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby
What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine

I feel drunk but I'm sober
I'm young and I'm underpaid
I'm tired but I'm working, yeah
I care but I'm restless
I'm here but I'm really gone
I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby

What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be quite alright
And what it all comes down to
Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet

I'm free but I'm focused
I'm green but I'm wise
I'm hard but I'm friendly baby
I'm sad but I'm laughing
I'm brave but I'm chickenshit
I'm sick but I'm pretty baby

And what it all boils down to
Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet
And what it all comes down to my friends
Is that everything is just fine fine fine

the list.

29 things to do before I turn 29.

1.Take a road trip
2.Print/organize/archive photo collections
3.Live alone for a year
4.Build a website
5.Start a drawing journal/sketchbook
6.Take a letterpress class
7.Start a business
8.Visit Greece
9.Buy myself one piece of expensive jewelry.
10.Stick to an exercise routine
11.Eat organic regularly
12.Engage in volunteer work
13.Buy a letterpress
14.Go horseback riding on the beach
15.Buy a bike and ride it regularly
16.Take a photography course
17.Visit Portland
18.Go hiking
19. Read one book a month for a year
20.Learn a language (refine/relearn Italian)
21. Do something selfless for someone else
22.Host a summer outdoor movie series
23.Finish something I started
24.Start a real adult serious savings
25. Buy a really cool camera
26.Make something out of nothing
27.Take a trip with my mom
28.Go wine tasting in CA
29.paint a mural

a desert fete this girl knows what she's talking about.

i think i need to make a list like her's...

Thursday, April 8, 2010


i caved.

i bought myself my first pair of real life running shoes. they are a hideous silver and blue combo with weird holes and stripes. uck. but they make my feet feel nice. i think.

it was between these and a pair of asics. which are way worse but maybe felt better? i have a couple more days to decide but i may just deal with the pain of running and get these babies on the open road.

the water bottle is goes on my hand like a glove haha its weird but cheaper than the waist version and i'll need water on saturday when I run 10 MILES!!

hmm. decisions decisions.

oh ps i have a brace now for my wrist (I have de Quarvians - don't ask) ... so guess who's gonna look super cool when they start running with one hand in a brace and the other hand with what looks like a water bottle glued to it haha.

fate would have it.

so a couple of months ago Kate from for me for you posted about this great interior designer sibella court and her website/shop The Society. I instantly fell madly in love with everything she touched and declared myself an avid fan.

Well yesterday fate would have it while playing hookie from work and shopping at the anthro in Birmingham with my sister I found her book etc.! (ps don't get it off amazon, go to anthropologie and buy it for cheaper {only $35} i just needed a link for you to see its beauty)

I can't put it down, i can't stop thinking about it, i love love love love love it! Not only is everything inside of it describing my life and everything i love but the physical book is in itself is a masterpiece. I spent the night swooning over the pages made of a matte thick stock, with an ever so often sheet of opaque vellum, the typography, the layering, the textured cover, i could go on an on.

if i could climb inside of the thing and live there forever i would.

buy one. now. it will make your life happy and complete.

{please excuse my iphone pictures... }

Monday, April 5, 2010

spring is in the air

I am IN LOVE with Anna from RIFLE and her spring board she just put up. I whole heartedly agree with all of her oh so lovely spring tidbits :)


owl, leather and license, school inspired barstools, antlers, amsterdam

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I just got this nifty new ipone app to post from my phone.. 24/7 blogging here I come...

Ps the rain and procrastination won the battle maybe I'll get the energy later..most likely not and I'll have to run tomorrow morning

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
ugh i have to run 9 miles today and I am using every excuse in the book to NOT do it.

1. i need new running shoes
2. i'm hungover
3. i would rather watch tv
4. im sore and running in the trails will be hard!
5. i don't have a pass to the park so i might get a ticket
6. i don't have a fannie pack to hold my phone...
7. i threw up last night.
8. i didn't eat breakfast
9. im lazy.
10. i'm hungover.


if I go i will feel so accomplished and I will be able to look down at my gut and tell it that it won't be around for much longer...

oh how i loathe you running. but yet how much i love you just the same.

oh hello.

I want you. i need you. oh baby oh baby.

found on etsy
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