Thursday, February 18, 2010

can't sleep.

its 2:30 in the morning.. and i can't sleep. i'm watching the olympics speed skating... very boring.

so life has been a bit hectic lately but i think im finally getting settled into the new job, new house, and new challenges some loved ones have been facing.

so what a perfect time to start focusing on the infamous store....

I've decided it needs a name first. It needs an identity, i tried to start designing first but it just didn't seem right, it needed more of a purpose. So as a way to procrastinate a bit more (omg i can't believe its already mid february... if anyone was actually reading this I might feel bad for being so horrible about not posting interesting store stuff) I will first create a brand. Then fill the brand with what i like to call my lurve :)

ok soo so far here's what we've got.
1. elephants and ice cream - you'll notice i changed the image at the top to reflect this one... im trying it on for size. They are two things i really love, it flows nicely, has enough syllables and is a bit intriguing bc its not so ordinary.

2. girl named james - my name... duh. well jamie but i was named after my grandfather james. And they wanted me to be a boy (and since they didn't find out they had pretty much mentally decided that I was a boy based on the way my moms stomach was positioned and the food she was craving)... hm well SURPRISE im a girl. A very special one at that, if i don't say so myself. But anyways back to the name... i like it bc its a boy name for a girl, and that to me exudes a vibe that i can't really describe but i feel when i hear names like joe and charlie or stevie for girls. For the logo i see a silhouette of a females face with the words in all caps inside....

3. (blank) & pressed - this one is still in the works. Its got some potential i think but i need to find the perfect word to fill in the blank. Its going off the idea of calling it a press without actually calling it a press. since i don't actually have a press... and who knows when ill get one but I wanted the quality and feeling of 'handmade' to come across and the saying i think its 'dressed and pressed' (or steamed and pressed maybe?) was brought up by a friend. so far the only filler i really like is "pleated"... Pleated & Pressed. hmm maybe.

ok well i better get to bed bc tomorrow we are going skiing again! and kyle will probably kill me if i a. fall asleep on the drive up there or b. get all crabby bc i decided to stay up to watch tv...

haha well until tomorrow.

Friday, February 5, 2010

her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering
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