Tuesday, September 8, 2009


things i need to collect to be happy:

wood that is old and was painted white at one time
floral patterns
books, lots and lots of books
tank tops
pictures of old buildings...

more to come.

new adventure.

i've decided to start a new adventure.

due to my recent bordem of my current life situation, i feel it is finally time for me to do what I have always dreamed of:open my own store.

its going to be difficult and i will take babysteps to get there, but I am going to do it, no matter what stands in my way because for too long I have been saying that i will do something with my life and end up giving up half way, or letting stupid things like money, motivation, and life get in my way. well no longer.

lately my life revovles around all the wrong things, so much so that im having nightmares and stress levels reaching the max. I need to figure out what it is that brought me to this point and get rid of it.

I need to find myself again. and this is my chance to do it. my story will be told in this store. everything i want and love will become something others can enjoy and love as well. and it will be mine. all mine.

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